Sunday, March 14, 2021

Imaginative Arts #5

Imaginative Arts March 2021


Conduct: Talmage
Song: Eva
Prayer: Hyrum
Pledge: Garrett
Theme: Anna
Quote: Marilee
Treasurer: Tommy
Show & Tell: Lauren


Read at Home: Finish the One and Only Ivan. If you want to read faster you can finish this book.  We will pay Vanbucks for "Mom approved" books you start and finish after you have finished Ivan.  If you want to get paid you will need to bring the book to class:)

Poetry: Recite all of the poems learned so far.  Memorize the 4th verse of hymn 89, "The Lord is my Light":

The Lord is my light, my all and in all.

There is in his sight no darkness at all.

He is my Redeemer, my Savior, and King.

With Saints and with angels his praises I’ll sing.

How has the Lord been a light for you or for someone you know? Ask several people to share how Jesus Christ has lifted or helped them. Think of your own personal experiences and favorite scripture stories. Ask immediate and extended family members and/or friends. It might be helpful to ask the question and give them time to think. Maybe send a text or email and arrange a time to call to hear their response. Come prepared to share (be sure to ask permission of the person whose story you want to tell us).  

Writing: Write a letter or note to someone you admire.  It could be a relative, friend, neighbor, etc.  Tell them what you appreciate about them. Thank them for their good example.  Hand deliver or mail the letter.  

Imaginative Arts: Get creative in the kitchen! Cook a recipe and, if possible, bring a sample to share. Tell why you chose that recipe, what was hard about it and what you learned. Will you make it again? Why or why not? What type of food would you like to try to make next? 

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