Monday, March 22, 2021

History #6. Israelites

 History #6

Conduct: Lauren
Song: Talmage
Prayer: Eva
Pledge: Hyrum
Theme: Garrett
Quote: Anna
Treasurer: Marliee
Show & Tell: Tommy

Read at Home: Read to page 59 (to chapter 5) or more of Summer of the Monkeys. Bring any mom-approved books you read after the One and Only Ivan for which you would like to be paid. Be prepared to share your brief review of each.

Poetry: Recite all of the poems learned so far. Memorize the first stanza of this poem:

Don’t Quit

John Greenleaf Whittier

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,

When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high,

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.

Ancient Israelites

Watch episodes 19 and 20 on Amazon Prime - Kids Animated History Kids-Animated-History 

Take a poll.  Go ask each of your family members what is one of their favorite Bible Stories.   Write down their response. Bring that paper to class.  Have each family member tell you about their favorite bible story.  When we get to class we will add them all up and see the results.  

What is your favorite Bible story?  Come prepared to present it to us.  Make is fun and interesting.  Read the actual story in the Bible.  Ask others to tell it to you.  Learn more about it than you already know. Study it out.

Watch either The 10 Commandments (1956) or Ben Hur (1959).  These are each about 3 hours. Vanbucks if you watch both.

If your mom allows you to watch more movies for extra Vanbucks then watch The Prince of Egypt, Joseph: King of Dreams, or The Living Scriptures Old Testament Videos. 

This is a lot of movie watching.  You're welcome😆.    These movies are to help you learn about the Ancient Israelites. Next week we will be having a Passover meal. 

If you want to learn more and earn some extra Vanbucks read The Story of the World vol 1.

SOTW1 Ch 6: The Jewish People

SOTW1 Ch 14: The Israelites Leave Egypt
SOTW1 Ch 37: The Beginning of Christianity
SOTW1 Ch 38: The End of the Ancient Jewish Nation
SOTW1 Ch 39: Rome and the Christians
SOTW2 Ch 20: The Diaspora

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