Saturday, February 11, 2023

Valentine’s Day and Revolutionary Party!

Song: Lauren
Prayer: Josh
Scripture: Vilate
Pledge:  Emma
Knowledge Share: Hyrum
Show and Tell: Melody
Joke of the Day: Tommy
Snack: Talmage
Treasurer: Fielding
Quiet Toy for Read Aloud: McKade

Read at home: Read a biography of your choice about a Revolutionary era person. Come prepared to share what you learned about that person. 

Prepare your box for the Valentine’s Day party to collect all your valentines! 

Prepare a Valentine for each of your friends and teachers in vanguard, please write a nice note or compliment for each of your friends on their Valentine :) 

This week is also our Revolution party— come prepared to share and present your six week project that you have been working on 🥳

Come dressed either as a Revolutionary or for Valentine’s Day! 

Here's a list for your Valentines: Emma, Joshua, Lauren, Vilate, Hyrum, Talmage, Melody, Tommy, Jayne, Joey, Fielding, McKade, Sister Fontano, Sister Jessee, Sister Pulley, Sister Zabriskie, and Sister Law

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