Friday, February 17, 2023

Pioneer/Westward Expansion week #1 (February 23)


Song: Melody
Prayer: Josh
Scripture:  Lauren
Pledge:  Tommy
Knowledge Share: Vilate
Show and Tell: Talmage
Joke of the Day:  Emma
Snack: Fielding
Treasurer: Hyrum
Quiet Toy for Read Aloud: McKade 
Read at Home:
    Bound for Oregon pages 1-80
    Interactive History Westward Expansion- please complete at least 2 full adventures

Poem: Memorize the first stanza of The Embarrassing Episode of Little Miss Muffet:

The Embarrassing Episode of Little Miss Muffet

by Guy Wetmore Carryl (1873-1904)

Little Miss Muffet discovered a tuffet,
    (Which never occurred to the rest of us)
And, as ’twas a June day, and just about noonday,
    She wanted to eat -- like the best of us:
Her diet was whey, and I hasten to say
    It is wholesome and people grow fat on it.
The spot being lonely, the lady not only
    Discovered the tuffet, but sat on it.

Definitions:  Look up and copy the definitions of the following words: tuffet, whey, hasten.
Scripture: memorize this part of Helaman 5:12
"...remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, 
who is Christ, the Son of God, 
that ye must build your foundation..."  
Discuss with your family: What things are you doing to build your foundation on Christ? What can you do better? 

Writing: In your best handwriting, create a list of the things you discussed above.

Song: Watch this video and become familiar with the lyrics to the song "I Am a Witness". Learn the first verse. 

Unit Study Year plan:  We are studying 4 time periods this year.  We are starting the 3rd time period.  We have 6 weeks in each time period.  The 6th week we will have a time period party.  We want you to come dressed like that day and age.  We would also like you to use these 6 weeks to make something from that time period.  While you are learning, decide on something you want to create and do it! You will bring it to show on the party day.

Some ideas:  make a tri-corn  hat, dip a candle, make a spoon, sew an apron, make a haver sack, make moccasins, make authentic food, whittle a horse, ect...

REMINDER:  We want you to do all the work you are able to do.  You can collect Van-bucks for all the homework you do.  You can earn more Van-bucks when you give us a commercial for any book you finished reading this school year or over the summer.

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