Thursday, February 23, 2023

Pioneer/Westward Expansion week #2 (March 2)


Song: McKade
Prayer: Melody
Scripture: Josh
Pledge:  Lauren
Knowledge Share: Tommy
Show and Tell:  Vilate
Joke of the Day: Talmage
Snack: Emma
Treasurer: Fielding
Quiet Toy for Read Aloud: Hyrum

Read at Home:
    Finish reading Bound for Oregon 
    Read You Wouldn't Want to be an American Pioneer 

Poem: Review the first stanza and memorize the second of The Embarrassing Episode of Little Miss Muffet:

The Embarrassing Episode of Little Miss Muffet

by Guy Wetmore Carryl (1873-1904)

Little Miss Muffet discovered a tuffet,
    (Which never occurred to the rest of us)
And, as ’twas a June day, and just about noonday,
    She wanted to eat -- like the best of us:
Her diet was whey, and I hasten to say
    It is wholesome and people grow fat on it.
The spot being lonely, the lady not only
    Discovered the tuffet, but sat on it.

A rivulet gabbled beside her and babbled,
    As rivulets always are thought to do,
And dragonflies sported around and cavorted,
    As poets say dragonflies ought to do;
When, glancing aside for a moment, she spied
    A horrible sight that brought fear to her,
A hideous spider was sitting beside her,
    And most unavoidably near to her!

Definitions:  Look up and copy the definitions of the following words: rivulet, gabble, cavort, hideous.

Scripture: Read Psalm 23. How might this be a comfort to you in challenging times? Choose a portion of it to memorize. Practice it and come prepared to share what you've memorized.

Song: Watch this video and review the first verse of the song "I Am a Witness". Learn the second verse. 

Multiplication: Work on your 8 times tables 0-12

Watch: School House Rock Elbow Room (if you didn't watch it last week).

Learn: Visit this site to learn about Chimney Rock. 

Writing: For those on the Oregon Trail, Chimney Rock was an important symbol, confirming that they were heading in the right direction and inspiring them to continue. Think about what symbols are important to you in your journey of life. Write about one or more of those. What are they? How do they inspire you? What is the destination you are trying to reach that your symbol helps you remember? Ask your family for ideas, if you'd like.

States: Please keep learning to identify and label the states on the map. Use this website, if you'd like. (You can choose which section of the country to be quizzed on by choosing an option below the map.) Practice spelling the names of states. 

Unit project:  Continue to work on a project of this time period.  This is week 2 of 6.  Get to work and have fun!

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