Thursday, January 6, 2022

2021-2022 Leadership #3 January 13

Leadership #3


  • Song: Eva
  • Prayer: Garrett
  • Scripture/ Thought: Hyrum
  • Treasurer: Lauren
  • Pledge: Marilee
  • Show n Tell: Milo
  • Knowledge Share: Talmage
  • Joke of the Day: Tommy
  • Snack: Emma (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: 

  • Read to page 99 of Eric Liddell.
  • Read about Althea Gibson on pages 90-97 and Katherine Johnson on pages 98-105 in Courageous Heroes.

Hymn:  Review the first verse and learn the second verse of #260 "Who's on the Lord's Side?"

Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

Now is the time to show.

We ask it fearlessly:

Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

We wage no common war,

Cope with no common foe.

The enemy’s awake;

Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?


Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Now is the time to show.
We ask it fearlessly:
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

We serve the living God,

And want his foes to know

That, if but few, we’re great;

Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

We’re going on to win;

No fear must blanch the brow.

The Lord of Hosts is ours;

Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?



Writing:  In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 00000.  We will be sharing our stories on Leadership week.

The Living Christ: Continue to work on memorizing week 7. Complete one or both copy work pages. Review weeks 1-6. 

Leadership: Come prepared to share your favorite part of what you have written in Write Your Own Story.

Write and mail or deliver two thank you notes for Christmas gifts or other kindnesses shown to you recently. In your note, be sure to mention the specific gift and why you like it or how you have or will use it. Bonus: draw a picture of you using the gift or of you and the giver and include it with your note.

Here are some helpful hints:

  1. Address the recipient with their proper name. Whether it’s “Mrs.,” Mr.,” “Ms.,” Miss,” or simply the first name of their friend, it’s important to practice the etiquette of proper titles.
  2. Start the letter with a greeting. Greeting may include “To,” “For,” “Dear,” or simply the name of the recipient.
  3. Start the letter by saying thank you. This is the important phrase for a thank you note so you don’t want to leave it off the letter.
  4. Describe what you’re thankful for. Call out the gift or service that they gave you. Tell them how that gift or service made you feel. Was it fun? Helpful? Cute? Be as descriptive as possible. Tell the recipient what you will use it for in the future.
  5. Use a sign off. Sign offs may include things like “Thanks again,” “Love,” or From,” depending on your relationship to the recipient.
  6. Sign your name. Do you best to make it as legible as possible.
  7. Have a parent help you fill out the envelope with an address, name, stamp, and return label before mailing them out.
Extra learning opportunities:

Learn about the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

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