Thursday, January 13, 2022

2021-2022 Imaginative Arts #3 January 20

Imaginative Arts #3


  • Song: Garrett
  • Prayer: Hyrum
  • Scripture/ Thought: Lauren
  • Treasurer: Marilee
  • Pledge: Milo
  • Show n Tell: Talmage
  • Knowledge Share: Tommy
  • Joke of the Day: Emma
  • Snack: Eva (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: 

  • Read to page 156 page of Eric Liddell: Something Greater than Gold.
  • Read about Helmuth Hubener on pages 106-114 in Courageous Heroes

Hymn:  Review the first and second verse and learn the thrid verse of #260 "Who's on the Lord's Side?"

  1. 1. Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

    Now is the time to show.

    We ask it fearlessly:

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

    We wage no common war,

    Cope with no common foe.

    The enemy’s awake;

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

  2. [Chorus]

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?   Now is the time to show.

    We ask it fearlessly:

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

  3. 2. We serve the living God,

    And want his foes to know

    That, if but few, we’re great;

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

    We’re going on to win;

    No fear must blanch the brow.

    The Lord of Hosts is ours;

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

  4. Chorus

  5. 3. The stone cut without hands

    To fill the earth must grow.

    Who’ll help to roll it on?

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

    Our ensign to the world

    Is floating proudly now.

    No coward bears our flag;

    Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?

  6. Chorus

Writing:  In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 00000.  We will be sharing our stories this week so bring your book.

The Living Christ: Review week 7 and learn week and 8. Complete one or both writing practice sheets. Practice reciting The Living Christ from the beginning. Are there weeks that you need to practice more?

Oceanography: We will start this in January, but if you would like to learn more and earn more Vanbucks you can research something in the oceans.  Then draw a picture or write about what you learned.  Bring it to class to share.  There are so many interesting and amazing things to learn!

Imaginative Arts: Draw  or trace a skeleton of a whale, shark or dolphin.  Bring it to class to share.  Be detailed in this. I want it to fill a regular piece of paper.  You might need to enlarge it before you start.

Pleases bring your LABELED  art kit to class.  We will be studying and drawing a phesant.  You can choose to do this in whatever medium you choose; pencil, crayon, colored pencil, paint, ect.  

If you have done other art this year please bring it to share!

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