Thursday, September 22, 2022

Colonial Period week #3


Song:  Melody
Prayer:  Josh
Scripture: Lauren
Pledge: Tommy
Knowledge Share:  Vilate
Show and Tell:  Talmage
Joke of the Day: Emma
Snack: Hyrum 
Treasurer: McKade
Quiet toy for Read Aloud: Fielding 
Read at Home: You Wouldn't Want to Sail with Christopher Columbus

Meet Felicity- Be finished!  Draw a picture of Penny the Horse.  Bring it to class.
     Not homework but a reminder - We are having a Anne of Green Gables Movie Party for anyone who reads the book.  We would love for you to come. Regular version or the abridged is fine. It will be at the end of September. 

Writing:  Work on another story about this time period. Make up a story about sailing with Christopher Columbus.  or living in Jamestown or any of the Colonies.   If you can, write it yourself.  If you need help, dictate it to a family member and they can write it.  Bring it to share.

Poem: Review "Little Things" and "It Can Be Done." Begin learning this poem: 

Stick to your task ’til it sticks to you;

Beginners are many, but enders are few.

Honor, power, place and praise

Will always come to the one who stays.

Scripture: review Proverbs 3:5-7. You will earn Van-bucks if you can recite it from memory. Ask 3 people what it means to them to trust in the Lord. In what ways would it help you to trust in the Lord? 

Games: Learn how to play checkers.  Play with your family members.  Try to play multiple times. Continue to play Marbles.

Colonial Expedition Game:  

Unit Study Year plan:  We are studying 4 time periods this year.  We have 6 weeks in each time period.  The 6th week we will have a time period party.  We want you to come dressed like that day and age.  We would also like you to use these 6 weeks to make something from that time period.  While you are learning, decide on something you want to create and do it! You will bring it to show on the party day.

Some ideas:  make a tri-corn hat, dip a candle, make a spoon, sew an apron, make a haversack, make moccasins, make authentic food, whittle a horse, etc...

Unit project:  Continue to work on a project of this time period.  This is week 3 of 6.  Get to work and have fun!

REMINDER:  We want you to do all the work you are able to do.  You can collect Van-bucks for all the homework you do.  You can earn more Van-bucks when you give us a commercial for any book you finished reading this school year or over the summer.

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