Thursday, September 15, 2022

Colonial Period week #2


Song: Josh
Prayer: Lauren
Scripture: Tommy
Pledge:  Vilate
Knowledge Share: Talmage
Show and Tell: Emma
Joke of the Day: Hyrum
Snack: Fielding         
Quiet toy for read aloud: McCade
Treasurer: Melody

Read at Home: Biography of your choice from Colonial days.
   Finish Meet Felicity 

   Not homework but a reminder - We are having a Anne of Green Gables Movie Party for anyone who           reads the book.  We would love for you to come. Regular version or the abridged is fine. It will be at             the end of September. 

Poem: Review "It Can Be Done" and learn this poem:

Little Things
Julia Carney

Little drops of water
Little grains of sand
Make the mighty oceans
And the pleasant land.

Thus the little minutes
Humble though they be
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.

Writing: write out the main points you want to talk about in your presentation

Scripture:  memorize the following scripture and reference. What does it mean to you?

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him 
and He shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes:
fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

Proverbs 3: 5-7 

Handwriting:  Copy this scripture. Use your best handwriting. 

People:  We would like you to learn about a person who lived in this time period.  The series "Childhood of Famous Americans," or the "Who was" series are good.  There are also many other options.  We think there might just be a book on your bookshelf about an amazing person in this time period.  Ask your family.  Read the book.   Try to find a video about them.  Do more research.  Get ready to present about them.  Print out a picture or do something to make your presentation interesting.  We will give you extra Van-bucks it you come dressed as this person.

Come to class prepared to present on the person you chose.  Dress like them.

Colony Game Work:  Coming soon...

Unit project:  Continue to work on a project of this time period.  This is week 2 of 6.  Get to work and have fun!

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