Thursday, April 7, 2022

2021-2022 April 14

**Meet at the Payson Temple at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 14**
Girls wear spring colored dress; boys wear church clothes with a tie.


  • Song: Lauren
  • Prayer: Marilee
  • Scripture/ Thought: Milo
  • Treasurer: Talmage
  • Pledge: Tommy
  • Show n Tell: Emma
  • Knowledge Share: Eva
  • Joke of the Day: Garrett
  • Snack: Hyrum (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: Read to page 97 (through chapter 11) in Amina's Voice.

Imagine that you are planning a trip to Pakistan. What things would you want to know? Discover 5 facts about the country that interest you and come prepared to share them with us. You might start with this webpage.

Learn about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on pages 238-246 in Courageous Heroes.

Hymn: Memorize the first verse of hymn #6 "Redeemer of Israel."

Writing:  In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 00000.  We will be sharing our stories on Leadership week.

The Living Christ: Perfect your part for our video recording on Thursday. Practice with your siblings and be sure you know the order you speak in. Have someone record you. Listen and watch the recording carefully. Can you understand your words? Are you confidently looking into the camera? Do you sound sincere? Are any of your actions distracting to the message?  

History: Learn about Copernicus and Galileo in Story of the World #2 chapter 37.  


Book Commercials: Come prepared to give a brief teaser for a book that you have read. 

Oceanography: If you would like to learn more and earn more Vanbucks you can research something in the oceans.  Then draw a picture or write about what you learned.  Bring it to class to share.  There are so many interesting and amazing things to learn!

1 comment:

  1. nice obsevation we always find out to way get solved for our childern 5 provinces of pakistan
