Monday, March 28, 2022

2021-2022 Leadership #6 March 31

Leadership #6


  • Song: Garrett
  • Prayer: Hyrum
  • Scripture/ Thought: Lauren
  • Treasurer: Marilee
  • Pledge: Milo
  • Show n Tell: Talmage
  • Knowledge Share: Tommy
  • Joke of the Day: Emma
  • Snack: Eva (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: Finish reading Adam of the Road. Next book is Amina's Voice by Hena Khan. 

Writing:  Work on "Write Your own Story". Start wherever you are or with whatever interests you. We will be sharing our stories this week so be sure to bring it to class.

The Living Christ: Practice your part for our recording on Thursday. Stand in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eye. Carefully pronounce each word. Ask your parents for feedback on how clearly you are saying each word and the speed at which you are speaking. 

Here's the doc with the parts.

Leadership: Learn about these important people and events in Story of the World volume 2. What impact did each have? 

  • Who was Martin Luther and what did he do?  (pages 309-313)
  • What is the Renaissance? (pages 318-322)
  • What invention changed the world? (pages 322-326)
  • What is the Reformation? (pages 327-330)
Write down 5 things that you believe about God. What is He like? Where did you learn that? How does this influence how you act? How is our belief in a prophet similar to or different from what you learn about the Pope in these pages? 

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