Friday, March 18, 2022

2021-2022 History #6 March 24

History #6


  • Song: Eva  
  • Prayer: Garrett
  • Scripture/ Thought: Hyrum
  • Treasurer: Lauren
  • Pledge: Marilee
  • Show n Tell: Milo
  • Knowledge Share: Talmage
  • Joke of the Day: Tommy
  • Snack: Emma (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: Finish reading Adam of the Road


Writing:  In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 00000.  We will be sharing our stories on Leadership week.

The Living Christ: What is your favorite part of the Living Christ? Why is it your favorite? 

History: Learn about Islam. As you read and watch, keep an eye out for similarities to your own beliefs. 

Read chapter 6 and 7 of Story of the World, vol 2. 

Watch this video

For our field trip, also watch this video.

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