Thursday, February 3, 2022

2021-2022 Leadership #4 February 10

Leadership #4


  • Song: Marille
  • Prayer: Milo
  • Scripture/ Thought: Talmage
  • Treasurer: Tommy
  • Pledge: Emma
  • Show n Tell: Eva
  • Knowledge Share: Garrett
  • Joke of the Day: Hyrum
  • Snack: Lauren (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: Read through chapter 13 (to page 113) of the Borrowers. 

Learn about Stephen Langton and Prudence Crandall in Courageous Heroes (pages 130-147)

Hymn: Practice Build an Ark. Learn the second verse. What are you doing to build your personal ark? 

Writing:  In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 00000.  We will be sharing our stories on Leadership week.

Multiplication: Practice your 0, 1, 2, 10, and 11 times tables. Work on the 5s and 9s.

The Living Christ: Work on memorizing week 10. Complete one of more of the writing assignments.

"Pal"entine's Party! Get creative and make a "pal"entine for each member of our class and a box to collect your "pal"entines in.  Write the name of the recipient and one thing you like about that person on your "pal"entine. Sign your name. (Names of class members: Emma, Eva, Garrett, Hyrum, Lauren, Marille, Milo, Talmage, Tommy, Joshua, Melody, Jayne, Joey, Sister Fontano, Sister Jessee, Sister Zabriskie) Make a valentine for each of your family members and leave it somewhere for them to find it. Which of your neighbors or extended family members would enjoy one?

Leadership: How is kindness an important attribute of leadership? Print off this kindness challenge. Share the quote on the second page with your family and brainstorm who could benefit from your kindness. See how many acts of kindness you can perform or catch others performing in the next two weeks. How can simple acts of kindness bless the lives of others? How does being kind bless you?

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