Thursday, February 10, 2022

2021-2022 Imaginative Arts #4 February 17

Imaginative Arts #4


  • Song: Milo
  • Prayer: Talmage
  • Scripture/ Thought: Tommy
  • Treasurer: Emma
  • Pledge: Eva
  • Show n Tell: Garrett
  • Knowledge Share: Hyrum
  • Joke of the Day: Lauren
  • Snack: Marilee (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: Finish reading the Borrowers. (Next book is Adam of the Road)

Learn about Matthew Henson and Laura and Rose Wilder in Courageous Heroes, pages 148-169.

Hymn: Review the songs we've learned so far: I Will Walk with Jesus, Who's on the Lord's Side, Build an Ark. (I don't think we shared the favorite song you chose a couple weeks ago. Let's share them this week!)

Writing:  In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 00000.  We will be sharing our stories on Leadership week.

The Living Christ: Work on memorizing week 11. Do one or more writing assignments in your best handwriting. Practice reciting the document to this point. 

Imaginative Arts: Watch this video about the color wheel and this video about value. Practice doing the still life value shading exercises in the second video. Notice how light interacts with objects around your house. You might turn off the lights and use a flashlight to notice the way light changes color value. Bring your practice drawings to share. 

Multiplication: Review and practice multiplication. Which numbers are hard for you? 

>>>Continue with the kindness challenge<<<

***Please bring your art kit to class on February 17***

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