Thursday, September 10, 2020

Eureka #1: BIRDS!

Conduct: Hyrum
Song: Garrett
Prayer: Anna
Pledge: Marilee
Theme: Tommy
Quote: Lauren
Treasurer: Talmage
Show & Tell: Eva

Read at Home: Finish Sideways Stories from Wayside School
        (Next read-at-home book is Homer Price by Robert McCloskey)


  • Work on memorizing poem (Vanguard cash if you can recite it from memory!)
  • Write the poem in your notebook in your best handwriting
  • Practice the letters we went over in class (c, o, a, d, g, u)

Ooey Gooey
    Author Unknown

Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A mighty worm was he.
He stepped upon the railroad tracks,
The train he did not see!
Oooooey Gooooey!

Eureka: Birds!

Learn about a bird that is common in Utah. Sign up for one on this link (or add a bird that interests you to the list). Come prepared to share a few facts about your chosen bird, such as habitat, food, size, etc. Use the library, internet search, or the following sites to get you started. 

Watch this video

If you have binoculars that you can use at home, watch this video and practice before Thursday.

Bring to class:

  • Writing binder and pens 
  • Pencil and paper (for sketching--bring a few sheets of blank copy paper or use your writing notebook, if you'd like)
  • Binoculars, if you have some
  • Information on the bird you learned about
  • A list of the names of any birds you see this week that you are already know.

    Keep an eye out for picture books with fun, simpler illustrations. Bring a favorite or two for Imaginative Arts on October 1.****

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