Thursday, September 24, 2020

Imaginative Arts #1: (October 1)


Read at Home: Read chapters 3 and 4 in Homer Price. (Finish the book before the field trip next week. Next book is Mrs. Piggle Wiggle.)


  • Work on memorizing poem (Vanguard cash if you can recite it from memory!)
  • Write the poem in your notebook in your best handwriting
  • Recite all 3 poems learned so far at least once each day ($$$)
  • Practice the letters we went over in class
Always Finish
Author Unknown

If a task is once begun
Never leave it till it's done.
Be the labor great or small,
Do it well or not at all.

Hey guys! We are going to have fun learning photography together. Bring your camera and let's get started!

Imaginative Arts:
Bring some of your favorite illustrated books to share with us! What do you like about the illustrator's style? 

Come prepared to share about a talent or skill that you are developing. This could be anything! You are welcome to perform (or tell about) a musical number, bring a picture from a performance of some sort, some art or anything like that. If nothing comes to mind (or it's hard to bring, share with us what talent or skill you would like to develop and why.  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ancient Times Leadership #1

Leadership #1

Conduct: Eva
Song:  Hyrum
Prayer: Garrett
Pledge: Anna
Theme: Marilee
Quote: Tommy
Treasurer: Lauren
Show & Tell: Talmage

Read at Home: Read chapters 1 and 2 of Homer Price by Robert McCloskey


  • Work on memorizing poem (Vanguard cash if you can recite it from memory!)
  • Write the poem in your notebook in your best handwriting
  • Practice the letters we went over in class 
The Vulture
by Hillaire Belloc

The vulture eats between his meals,
And that's the reason why
He very, very rarely feels
As well as you or I.

His eye is dull. His head is bald,
His neck is growing thinner,
Oh, what a lesson for us all,
To only eat at dinner!

Pick one country from the list and come ready to present on it.

Middle East Countries:

Egypt      Lauren

Isreal      Hyrum

Jordan    Marilee


Syria     Eva

Turkey      Garrett



Saudi Arabia   Talmage




United Arab Emirates   Anna



Choose any country to learn about in more detail and present to us. You can work on the same country as your siblings, or you can choose a different country. You will have 1-2 minutes to tell us all about your country. You can present it as a report, or do a slideshow, or make a poster, or draw pictures, or do anything you like to make it how you like it.

You could include things like:
  • The country's capital
  • Picture of the flag
  • When did they become a country
  • The country motto
  • The country nickname
  • An interesting fact
  • A famous landmark
  • What is the climate
  • What kind of weather do they have?
  • What do they grow?
  • Show us where it is on a map
  • Someone famous that lived there or still lives there.
If you want to do a little more, you can bring something to share like a food from that country, or some display items if you know someone that has been there or something the country is known for doing like making clothes or plastic or anything else you can think of.

You will earn Vanguard money for being prepared!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Eureka #1: BIRDS!

Conduct: Hyrum
Song: Garrett
Prayer: Anna
Pledge: Marilee
Theme: Tommy
Quote: Lauren
Treasurer: Talmage
Show & Tell: Eva

Read at Home: Finish Sideways Stories from Wayside School
        (Next read-at-home book is Homer Price by Robert McCloskey)


  • Work on memorizing poem (Vanguard cash if you can recite it from memory!)
  • Write the poem in your notebook in your best handwriting
  • Practice the letters we went over in class (c, o, a, d, g, u)

Ooey Gooey
    Author Unknown

Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A mighty worm was he.
He stepped upon the railroad tracks,
The train he did not see!
Oooooey Gooooey!

Eureka: Birds!

Learn about a bird that is common in Utah. Sign up for one on this link (or add a bird that interests you to the list). Come prepared to share a few facts about your chosen bird, such as habitat, food, size, etc. Use the library, internet search, or the following sites to get you started. 

Watch this video

If you have binoculars that you can use at home, watch this video and practice before Thursday.

Bring to class:

  • Writing binder and pens 
  • Pencil and paper (for sketching--bring a few sheets of blank copy paper or use your writing notebook, if you'd like)
  • Binoculars, if you have some
  • Information on the bird you learned about
  • A list of the names of any birds you see this week that you are already know.

    Keep an eye out for picture books with fun, simpler illustrations. Bring a favorite or two for Imaginative Arts on October 1.****

Friday, September 4, 2020

History #1 Mesopotamia 2020


Conduct: Garrett
Song: Anna
Prayer: Marilee
Pledge: Tommy
Theme: Lauren
Quote: Talmage
Treasurer: Eva
Show & Tell: Hyrum

Read at Home: Sideways Stories From Wayside School read to page 100.

Writing:  Bring your binder, pen, paper.  Please copy this letter to send with your flat person. Please bring it to class. Your flat people are ready for their adventures to begin.

Dear ______,
Hello!  This is Flat  ______.  I wanted to send myself on an adventure so I sent myself to you.  In my Vanguard Junior class, we read a book called Flat Stanley.  It is about a boy who gets flattened by a bulletin board.  Since he is flat, he can travel through the mail and go on many adventures.  Please take Flat _______ on an adventure and take a picture and send it to me.  I would like to show my class.  Also, could you please send me home when our adventure is done.  I want to spend some time at home before my next adventure begins. 


History: Mesopotamia

Go to the library and get 10 books about Mesopotamia, Hammurabi, Sumeria, Assyrians, Babylon,
Bronze Age or Iron Age. Look at the books and come prepared to share some of the cool things you have learned. You will earn Vanguard money for interesting facts.

Read "You wouldn't want to be a Sumerian Slave," or You wouldn't want to be an Assyrian Soldier."

Watch on Amazon Prime - Kids Animated History episode 13 and episode 14

If you want to earn extra Vanguard Cash you can listen/read The Story of the World intro, Chap. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, and 17.