Thursday, February 6, 2020

Leadership Week 4

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

Read/Study: Habit #4 Think Win-Win
Read the story in The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, "Lily Plants a Garden."
Be prepared to discuss this story and share what you learned. 

When you have a win-win mindset you are happy when good things happen to other people! You don't make someone else feel bad to make yourself feel good and you look for win-win solutions when conflicts arise.

Leaders have to make important choices all the time and Stephen Covey (the author who first created the 7 Habits) has a name for people who seek out win-win solutions, who stand out as leaders and make good choices; he calls them trim-tabbers. A trim tab is a sailing term for a part of the rudder that allows the rudder to be corrected (helping you to sail right on course). It's just a small rudder that turns the large rudder that turns the ENTIRE ship! Even though it is small it is responsible for the course of the huge ship. Small choices can bring about big changes!

Watch this video about a trim trab leader. How did she think win-win for her school?

Can you think of a time you used win-lose thinking? How about win-win thinking? Choose one or both of these scenarios and write about it in your common place book or be prepared to share in class. 

PREPARE A SPEECH! This week write a speech about someone you admire! This person could be a family member, a leader or hero in the world, or even a fictional character from a book. Practice your speech because you will be presenting it for the class!

And, best of all, we are having a Valentine's day party in class today! Bring Valentine's for the class, make a box for your Valentine's (or bring a container if you don't want to make a box). 
Here is a list of your classmates so you can address your Valentines:

Sister Jessee
Sister Eagar

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