Thursday, February 13, 2020

Imaginative Arts Week 4

Imaginative Arts Week 4

1. Read "The Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler."  Hopefully you've actually finished it by now.  :)

2. Write in your best handwriting 1 or more of these passages from the book. Remember to copy it just like it is with indentations, and punctuation.

    The guide told Jamie that some people saved all their lives so that they could become mummies; it was indeed expensive.
    One of the students called out, "You might even say it costs him his life."   (Chapter 4, page 55)

   Jamie shook his head. "If you want to go different, you can take a subway to 125th Street and then take the train."
   "I didn't say differently, I said different.  I want to go back different.  I, Claudia Kincaid, want to be different when I go back. Like being a heroine is being different."
   "Claudia, I'll tell you one thing you can do different..."
   "Differently," Claudia interrupted.
   "Oh, baloney, Claude.  That's exactly it. You can stop ending every single discussion with an argument about grammar."
   "I'll try," Claudia said quietly.  (Chapter 8, page 119)

   "Come now, children. Put away the file. You must tell me all about your adventure. All, all, all about it. What you thought and what you said, and how you managed to carry off the whole crazy caper."  (Chapter 9, page 154)

Literary Elements: The most common Figures of Speech are,

Simile--------Compares 2 similar items and uses "like" and "as"
(The beehive is like a little mud house.)
Metaphor---------Directly compares 2 items. Does not use "like" or "as".  (The beehive is a little mud house.)
Personification------Gives human characteristics to an object, an idea or an animal. (The teapot screamed when the water was hot)
Alliteration-------these are words streamed together with the same beginning sound, like a tongue twister. (Tina's tacos tease the tongue.)
Onomatopoeia-------this is when words are spelled to represent how sounds are shaped in our mouths. (Bow-wow, Clink, Clunk, Shhh)
Idioms--------are "turns of phrase" that are so common in our language, we aren't really sure what they mean. (At the drop of a hat. Through thick and thin.)
Hyperbole------is an over-statement.  (I'm never going to do that again.)

We've learned about some of them, do you remember?  Pick two of your favorite figures of speech and write your own examples.  If you want to do one for each figure of speech, you can earn extra cash! 

I really hope that none of you would ever scare your parents and run away to a museum (or anywhere).  If you were going to be on your own for a few days though, what would you want to take with you? Make a list of all the things you would need. Also, bring your favorite snack to share with everyone!  Wear your PJ's and come with a comfy pillow for a movie!

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