Thursday, January 2, 2020

Eureka Week 3

Eureka Week 3

Circulatory and Respiratory

We just learned about muscles and your heart is probably the most important of all. It's the muscle that pushes blood through our body to make up the circulatory system.
You blood carries oxygen, food and water and special cells for fighting disease!
Watch these video clips about parts of the circulatory system and see if you can learn where our blood is made? How does it get to our body? What is the important job of our heart and our blood vessels?

We are also learning about our respiratory system this week! I like this demonstration of how our lungs work to push oxygen through our body and remove carbon dioxide:

I learned a lot of new facts by watching these videos so I hope you like them too! We will be doing several exciting labs at Vanguard together and you will have the chance to cash in some Vanguard bucks! It will be a great day!

Also, remember to do 3-5 pages in your Math Analogies book!

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