Sunday, September 2, 2018

September History

 Civil War 1861 - 1865

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 👀  Watch on Youtube  Lincoln for Kids

 2 -  Print off this map of USA in 1860. Then look at this site: colored map of the united states. Color and mark your printed mapColor the Union states blue and the Confederate states gray. Color the territories too in a different color. Put the border line in red. Notice that some slave states are in the North. Mark the capital of the Confederacy (Richmond, VA).  Glue your map into your CPB. You might have to cut it down to size in order to fit. 

3 -  📖 Read  about Harriet Tubman

4 - 🖉 Copy Write (copy these definitions in your CPB or on cards)

Harriet Tubman

  • Born a black slave. She became the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad. In a decade she guided over 300 slaves to freedom.

*Come prepared to discuss why Harriet Tubman had the nickname Moses.

  • Those who did speak out against slavery.
  • Northerners who were willing to fight for the American form of government - for the constitutionm for the Union. They were against slavery.

  • Southerns who belived in "state rights." They did not want to be part of the United States so they could be free to have slavery.
American Civil War
  •  also called War Between the States, four-year war (1861–1865) between the United States (Northerners) and 11 Southern states (Southerners) that seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States ofAmerica.
  • To break away or withdraw from something.

5 - 📖  Read with your family A History of Us, War, Terrible War;  
  • Preface ll; A divided Nation pg 11
  • Chapter 1 Americans fighting Americans pg 14
  • Chapter 2  The war begins pg 17

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

-Thomas Jefferson

*Come  prepared to discuss what this quote means to you.  

Image result for penny6 -  ¢ $ What other money has Abraham Lincoln's face on it?  Come to class ready to share what you know.  Can you show us any real money with his face on it?

㊱  Math Links

Adaptive Minds  math
Image result for clip art math symbols                          

quick flash  multiplication flash cards

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