Sunday, September 30, 2018

October Leadership

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What is the Gathering of Israel??

👀  Watch  with your family

Hope of Israel

"Would you like to be part of the
work today?"

⭐  Do

     *Sister Nelson mentioned  [imagining] a 5-minute video that portrayed your pre-earth life.   {when you lived with Heavenly Father before you came to earth}. Imagine you are sitting with Heavenly Father preparing to come to earth...
 Come to class prepared to show or tell us about what that experience might have looked like. (You can do one of the following:  write a poem, draw a picture, make a video, write a song, etc.)

Five things that will
“change you and help you change the world.”

  *Pick one of these to work on this week

📖  Read  

  •  *For this weeks book read this whole booklet.  Pray.  Ask questions to siblings and parents.

  *??How can you start NOW to understand and follow Gods STANDARDS?

   *Record your feelings and thoughts in your CPB.

🎨  Draw or print off a ninja and hold it in your common place book /CPB, (do not tape it in) we will find out what to do with it next week when Sister Martin comes in

🖉  Copy Write  copy these definitions in your CPB or on cards

12 Tribes of Israel   Sons of Jacob in the Old Testiment. 10 are lost and scattered and waiting for us to teach 
   them about Jesus Christ.

Agency The ability to choose right from wrong and to act for yourself.

Gathering of Israel
          "Offering the gospel of Jesus Christ to ALL people on earth and in Heaven." 

Entertainment and Media

   Satan uses media to deceive you by making what is wrong and evil look normal, humorous,   or exciting.  Do not participate in anything that presents immorality, violence or crude behaivior or talk as acceptable. 

  Everyone needs good and true friends. To have good friends, be a good friend. Be a good l   Listener and invite them to play. Smile, treat with kindness and respect, don't judge, criticizeand or bully. 

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