Monday, February 19, 2018

February Imaginative Arts

Imaginative Arts

The History of Ballet

Click here to get a brief history of ballet.

And watch this TED video here to see how ballet evolved.

Here's a couple of ballets you can watch, I'm sure you can find more if you're not interested in these:  Tell me which one you like best.

Swan Lake
The Nutcracker


1. Listen to Beethoven while you read about him.  Learn 3 things about Beethoven.  (Not when he was born or when he died.)


2.This month we're studying artist Rembrandt.

Click here for a brief history of him.

Take a look at his history here and write down 3 things that you learned.

Come prepared to have fun!  We already did some self portraits, so this time we will do a different style of self portraits!  It's going to be fun!

3.  If you would like to share a musical talent, or a piece of art, or a dance that you know, please come and share it with us!

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