Monday, February 5, 2018

February Eureka

1. Pull out the ancient calculating device. Keep practicing!  We will work together in class as well.

Beginner Abacus Students: 

Continue practicing by filling out out worksheet #4 from this PDF File.   Fill out 10 problems from each row...that way you only do 1/2 the worksheet, but get some harder problems to work on from the bottom of the page. 

2.  Learn One Interesting Fact about each of these people, or 3 facts about 1 of them! I don't want to know where or when they were born or when they died.  Find something interesting about them and be prepared to share!
Anders Celsius (1701-1744)
Leonhard Euler (1707–1783)
Maria Agnesi 1718-1799

3.  Watch this video on Math and Music Because Music will be a part of our day!

4. Optional:  Make an invention and bring it to share!


5. Do 1 of the following:
Math is sooooo Coooool!  Like, totally so cool. Because it's all about patterns. Choose one of these patterns.  But be careful, because it's addicting, and you might just try all 3. Free time fun! 

Solve this Krypto:  Here are 6 numbers:

2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12
Your Target number is....157

Bring in your answer in correct mathematic equation form.

Rules: Using each of the 5 numbers ONLY ONCE, you may use any combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division to manipulate the 5 numbers in any order to reach the target number.

Example: if you had the 5 numbers: "8,4,1,6,3", you could reach the target number of 11 by doing: 3 x 4 + 1 - (8 - 6) 

There is always a way, usually more than 1, to reach the target number.

Use your commonplace book to record your trial and error. Record your equation and bring it to class!


Solve some multiplication problems Japanese style.  Watch this video.  

Then solve THIS problem in your Common  Place book: 
35 X 21


Try this logic page.  You'll need to print it out. 

This is NO Number Logic.  Try it!  And Bring 

it to class!

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