Wednesday, September 6, 2017

                            Vanguard Junior Vision Day

                                                                       Vanguard Junior

Vision Day September 21, 2017

1. Read the Young Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews.  We will be discussing this on Vision Day.

2. Read in "The Story of the World: Vol 2." Chapters 25, 26, 34(only about Henry VIII), and Vol. 3 Ch. 12,31.  Write down your favorite part about each chapter!  We will discuss and do fun activities about these chapters!

3. Bring your abacus, and we will start learning how to use it together. Watch this video before you come, so you have a head start.

4. Memorize 1 Peter 2:9


In the Oct 1994 General Conference, Elder Holland told this story:

"The mid-1600s were a terrible time in England. The Puritan revolutionaries had executed a king, and political life—including Parliament—was in total chaos. A typhus epidemic turned the whole island into a hospital. The great plague, followed by the great fire, would turn it into a morgue.

In Leicestershire, there is a very small church with a plaque on the wall which reads: “In the year of 1653, when all things sacred were … either demolished or profaned, Sir Robert Shirley, [built] this church; whose singular praise it is, To have done the best things in the worst times, and hoped them in the most calamitous.”

Sir Robert Shirley was able to "do the best things in the worst times" and bring light into the darkness of the world surrounding him by building a beautiful church.   How can you bring light out of the darkness in your life?  Journal for 20 minutes on what you can do to stay positive and find light in your life even when things seem their darkest.  Commit to do one thing each day this week to brighten the world around you.

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