Sunday, September 24, 2017

                                                             Vanguard Junior
                                                                                                       History October 2017

"Path to the Light"
World Exploration


1 - Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 2" Ch. 28 (only the part about Ferdinand and Isabella), 31, 40, 41 
and Vol. 3 Ch. 4, 6, 24 (only the part about Capt. Cook) 

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book.

3- Read this article by Elder Robert D Hales from Oct 2005.  Journal your favorite parts in your commonplace book.

4- Bring a notebook that you can use for your commonplace book.  We will decorate it!  I will also have a folder for you to decorate and keep other papers in.


In his book, The Great Prologue (1975), Elder Mark E. Petersen quoted Christopher Columbus saying, 

“God gave me the faith, and afterwards the courage.”

How do faith and courage work together?  Have you ever had an experience where you needed both faith and courage to do something?  Write about this quote in your journal for 10 minutes.  Then set a goal of how you can have more faith and courage to beat the obstacles you will encounter in your life.

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