Friday, February 26, 2021

Eureka #5 (March 4)

Eureka #5

Conduct: Hyrum                                   
Song: Garrett                                                  
Prayer: Anna                                       
Pledge: Marilee
Theme: Tommy
Quote: Lauren
Treasurer: Talmage  
Show & Tell: Eva

Read at home: read to page 150 of the One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.

Poetry: Recite all of the poems learned so far. Start memorizing this poem:

The Lord is my light; then why should I fear?
By day and by night His presence is near.
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin; 
This blessed assurance the Spirit doth bring.

The Lord is my light; He is my joy and my song.
By day and by night He leads, He leads me along.

The Lord is my light; though clouds may arise,
Faith, stronger than sight, looks up through the skies
Where Jesus forever in glory doth reign.
Then how can I ever in darkness remain?

The Lord is my light; He is my joy and my song.
By day and by night He leads, He leads me along.

Eureka: watch this video and take notes of ways birds adapt to their surroundings.

Watch this video to learn about using habitat to help identify a bird. What different habitats do they list?

This video talks about different kinds of bird feet

Thursday, February 18, 2021

History #5 (February 25)

History #5 

Conduct: Garrett                                   
Song: Anna                                                  
Prayer: Marilee                                       
Pledge: Tommy
Theme: Lauren
Quote: Talmage
Treasurer: Eva  
Show & Tell: Hyrum

Read at home: read to page 100 of the One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.

Poetry: Recite all of the poems learned so far. Start memorizing this poem:

The Lord is my light; then why should I fear?
By day and by night His presence is near.
He is my salvation from sorrow and sin; 
This blessed assurance the Spirit doth bring.

The Lord is my light; He is my joy and my song.
By day and by night He leads, He leads me along.


Go to the library and get 10 books about central or South America,  Look at the books and come prepared to share some of the cool things you have learned. You will earn Vanguard money for interesting facts.

Read "You wouldn't want to be an Aztec Sacrifice" or "You wouldn't want to be a Mayan Soothsayer." 

Watch episodes 3,4, 7, 8, 15, 16 on Amazon Prime - Kids Animated History Kids-Animated-History (You don't have to watch ALL of them, but Vanguard Cash if you do!!) 

Pick one country from the list 👇 and come ready to present on it.

Antigua and Barbuda                                                                         

French Guiana
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Trinidad and Tobago

Choose any country to learn about in more detail and present to us. You can work on the same country as your siblings, or you can choose a different country. You will have 1-2 minutes to tell us all about your country. You can present it as a report, or do a slideshow, or make a poster, or draw pictures, or do anything you like to make it how you like it.

You could include things like:                                                            

  • The country's capital
  • Picture of the flag
  • When did they become a country?
  • The country motto
  • The country nickname
  • An interesting fact
  • A famous landmark
  • What is the climate?
  • What kind of weather do they have?
  • What do they grow?
  • Show us where it is on a map
  • Someone famous that lived there or still lives there.
If you want to do a little more, you can bring something to share like a portion of food from that country, or some display items if you know someone that has been there or something the country is known for doing like making clothes or plastic or anything else you can think of.

You will earn Vanguard money for being prepared!

If you want to earn extra Vanguard Cash you can listen/read The Story of the World Chapter volume 1, chapter 26, and The Story of the World volume 2 chapter 32

PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN LEGOS!!! You will be building your own projects! We don't want to mix up legos so please keep yours together! See you soon! 😊

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Imaginative Arts #4 (February 11)

Imaginative Arts: Valentine's Party!

Conduct: Anna                               
Song: Marilee
Prayer: Tommy
Pledge: Lauren
Theme: Talmage
Quote: Eva
Treasurer: Hyrum  
Show & Tell: Garrett

Read at home: finish reading Cricket in Times Square by George Seldon.
Start reading the One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate.

Photography: Bring your camera and come prepared to learn about candid photos and participate in a fun craft!

Poetry: Recite all of the poems learned so far. Start memorizing this poem:


Published: May 2014

I've hunted near, I've hunted far
I even looked inside my car.
I've lost my glasses, I'm in need,
To have them now so I can read.
I loudly swear and I curse
Did I leave them in my purse?
Are they behind the sofa, under the bed?
Oh there they are - on my head!


Come prepared for a valentine exchange!

Please create a fun box or container to receive Valentines in and prepare a valentine to give to each member of our class (homemade or purchased). I'm sure Melody and Jane would love to be included! Consider sharing something on your card that you like or appreciate about each person.  

(I dare you to come up with your creation on your own without checking the internet for ideas! Not a requirement but a strong suggestion....)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Leadership #4 (February 4)

Leadership #4

Conduct: Marilee                               
Song: Tommy
Prayer: Lauren
Pledge: Talmage
Theme: Eva
Quote: Hyrum
Treasurer: Garrett   
Show & Tell: Anna

Read at home: read to page 100 of Cricket in Times Square by George Seldon.

Poetry: Recite all of the poems learned so far. Finish memorizing this poem.

It Couldn’t Be Done



Somebody said that it couldn’t be done

      But he with a chuckle replied

That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one

      Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.

So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin

      On his face. If he worried he hid it.

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

      That couldn’t be done, and he did it!



Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;

      At least no one ever has done it;”

But he took off his coat and he took off his hat

      And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.

With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,

      Without any doubting or quiddit,

He started to sing as he tackled the thing

      That couldn’t be done, and he did it.



There are thousands to tell you 

it cannot be done,

      There are thousands to prophesy failure,

There are thousands to point out to you 

one by one,

      The dangers that wait to assail you.

But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,

      Just take off your coat and go to it;

Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing

      That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.


Writing: Write a note of appreciation to someone who is a good example to you. Share what you admire or have learned from that person. This could be a sibling, friend, parent, neighbor, relative, etc. Hand deliver or mail the note.

***On Thursday, we will meet at the Jessees and team up to make lunch and dessert! See you there!***