Thursday, October 1, 2020

Ancient Times History #2 Egypt 2020


Conduct: Lauren
Song: Talmage
Prayer: Eva
Pledge: Hyrum
Theme: Garrett
Quote: Anna
Treasurer: Marilee
Show & Tell: Tommy

Read at Home: Read the last two chapters of Homer Price
        Next book is Mrs. Piggle Wiggle

  • Work on memorizing poem (Vanguard cash if you can recite it from memory!)
  • Write the poem in your notebook in your best handwriting
  • Recite all 4 poems learned so far at least once each day ($$$)
  • Retell The Fox and the Goat to two family members (using only your key word outline for reference)
The Ingenious Little Old Man
by John Bennett

A little old man of the sea
Went out in a boat for a sail:
The water came in
Almost up to his chin
And he had nothing with which to bail.

But this little old man of the sea
Just drew out his jack-knife so stout,
And a hole with his blade
In the bottom he made,
So that all of the water ran out.

History: Egypt

Go to the library and get 10 books about Egypt,  Look at the books and come prepared to share some of the cool things you have learned. You will earn Vanguard money for interesting facts.

Read "You wouldn't want to be an Egyptian Mummy" or "You wouldn't want to be Tutankhamen" or "You wouldn't want to be Cleopatra."

Watch on Amazon Prime - Kids Animated History Ancient-Egypt-Part-1 and Ancient Egypt part 2

You will earn Vanguard money for being prepared!

If you want to earn extra Vanguard Cash you can listen/read The Story of the World Chap. 2, 4, 12, and 13.

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