Thursday, November 7, 2019

Leadership Week 2

Habit 2: Begin With The End in Mind

Read/Study Habit #3: Begin with the end in mind.
Read the 2nd story in the 7 Habits of Happy Kids, "Goob and The Bug Collecting Kit."
Be prepared to discuss this story in class!

Beginning with the end in mind means creating a picture in your mind of how you would like things to be and then setting goals that will get you to that picture. When you begin with the end in mind you get confidence to make goals based on what's important to YOU! 

This week write in your commonplace book one goal for the week that you would like to work on. Would you like to practice a skill every day this week to see improvement? Would you like to stop a bad habit? Is there something you've always wanted to do/make/accomplish that you could work on this week?

After you state your goal I want you to list at least 3 things you can do this week to work towards your goal. Start working on those baby steps and come prepared to share about your goal setting success in class this week!

Know/Understand: Bring your All About Me speech to class and be prepared to share it again. We're excited to hear what changes and improvements you've made! 

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