Monday, November 27, 2017

January History

                                        Vanguard Jr. History


1 - Read in "The Story of the World: 
Vol. 3 Ch. 3 (King James's Town),  Ch.15 (about William Penn)

2 - Learn and try to memorize the 13 Original Colonies.  

3- Write at least 3 things that you learned from the chapters in your commonplace book and Write down the names of the 13 colonies.

4 - Read this article by Elder Robert D Hales from Oct 2005.  Journal your favorite parts in your commonplace book.

OPTIONAL: Watch this series: "Crash Course US History".   (Episodes 1-5 get up to this point in history.  Each episode is about 12 minutes long.)  It's pretty entertaining, but beware that he's a little irreverent and sarcastic.  He also talks really fast!  But I learned a lot from it.  

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