Saturday, October 21, 2017



"Light of Christ"
The Reformation


1. Read in "The Story of the World: Vol. 2" Ch. 34(only about Martin Luther), 35, (only about Gutenberg's Great Invention and making paper) and 36 (only the part about the spread of the reformation.)

2- Take notes on the chapters in your commonplace book.  I want you to write at least one thing about each section that you read.


Elder Robert D. Hales said this of the scriptures:

"As with voices from the dust, the prophets of the Lord cry out to us on earth today: take hold of the scriptures! Cling to them, walk by them, live by them, rejoice in them, feast on them. Don’t nibble. They are “the power of God unto salvation” that lead us back to our Savior Jesus Christ."

How important are the scriptures to you?  How often do you use them?  Are they sitting on your shelf gathering dust?  

Find 2 quotes from leaders of the church about the scriptures.  How often should we be reading in them?  Why?

Set a goal to do better.  If you are reading every week, set a goal to read every day.  If you are already reading every day, set a goal to read just a little bit more.  Write this goal in your journal and journal on what you expect to get from a commitment to spend more time in the scriptures.

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