Thursday, September 30, 2021

2021-2022 Leadership #1 October 7

Leadership #1


  • Song: Garrett
  • Prayer: Hyrum
  • Scripture/ Thought: Lauren
  • Treasurer: Marilee
  • Pledge: Milo
  • Show n Tell: Talmage
  • Knowledge Share: Tommy
  • Joke of the Day: Emma
  • Snack: Eva (Please bring enough for 16 people)

Read at home: 

  • Read to page 180 of Ella Enchanted
  • Read about Corrie ten Boom in Courageous Heroes
  • After reading about Corrie, watch this video.
Poetry: Review "Persevere" and memorize this new poem

The Eagle

By Alfred, Lord Tennyson

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;

Close to the sun in lonely lands.

Ringed with the azure world, he stands.


  • In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 16-17.  We will be sharing our stories this week.  Be ready to share your favorite.
  • Look up and write the definitions of crag, azure, despised, entreat. 

The Living Christ: Review week 1 and 2. Work on memorizing week 3. Complete 1 or both copywork assignments.

Oceanography: We will start this in January, but if you would like to more and earn more Vanbucks you can research something in the oceans.  Then draw a picture or write about what you learned.  Bring it to class to share.  There are so many interesting and amazing things to learn!

Leadership:  We will be having our Harry Potter PARTY!  Thank you for being patient.  Please bring your Harry Potter food and activity. Don't forget to come in CHARACTER!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

2021-2022 Eureka #1 September 30

 Eureka #1


  • Song: Eva
  • Prayer: Garrett
  • Scripture/ Thought: Hyrum
  • Treasurer: Lauren
  • Pledge: Marilee
  • Show n Tell: Milo
  • Knowledge Share: Talmage
  • Joke of the Day: Tommy
  • Snack: Emma (Please bring enough for 16 people)
The song that we are learning is I Will Walk with Jesus. Watch the sing along video and practice the first 2 verses. (Here is the sheet music, if you'd like it.)

1. Jesus walked in wisdom; Jesus grew in truth.

He showed love to God and man while in His youth.

Jesus wants to guide me. Jesus shows the way,

Calling me to come and walk with Him each day.

2. I can grow like Jesus. I will try each day—

Promising to walk His path and there to stay.

Standing by my Savior, safe within His care,

Step by step I’ll follow, and His love I’ll share.

Chorus: As I walk with Jesus to my home above,

He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love,

Change my heart forever and help me clearly see.

I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me.

Read at home: Read to page 120 of Ella Enchanted

Poetry: Review and finish memorizing Persevere


Author Unknown

The fisher who draws in his net too soon,

Won’t have any fish to sell;

The child who shuts up his book too soon,

Won’t learn any lessons well.

If you would have your learning stay,

Be patient--don’t learn too fast;

The man who travels a mile each day,

May get round the world at last.

Writing:  In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 12-15.  We will be sharing our stories on Leadership week.

The Living Christ: Work on memorizing week 2. Complete one or more of the copywork pages. Review week 1.

Oceanography: We will start this in January, but if you would like to learn more and earn more Vanbucks you can research something in the oceans.  Then draw a picture or write about what you learned.  Bring it to class to share.  There are so many interesting and amazing things to learn!

 HARRY POTTER PARTY!!!! Please make sure you have read the whole book.  Come in costume.  Bring a wizard treat.  Plan a Harry Potter activity and lead it to the class.  

Multiplication:  This year we will learn multiplication.  Study the zeros, and ones and fives.

  •  Tips: Zero is KING!  Anything times zero is ALWAYS ZERO.  Multiplying by 1 is like that number is looking in a mirror, he only sees himself. Fives are the hands of a clock.  If you already know how to tell time then you already know this.  Ask your parents or family for any tips they have. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

2021-2022 History #1 September 23

History #1 September 23


  • Song: Emma
  • Prayer: Eva
  • Scripture/ Thought: Garrett
  • Treasurer: Hyrum
  • Pledge: Lauren
  • Show n Tell: Marilee
  • Knowledge Share: Milo
  • Joke of the Day: Talmage
  • Snack: Tommy (Please bring enough for 16 people)
Read at home: 
  • Read to page 60 of Ella Enchanted

Poetry: Memorize the following


Author Unknown

The fisher who draws in his net too soon,

Won’t have any fish to sell;

The child who shuts up his book too soon,

Won’t learn any lessons well.


  • In "Write Your own Story" work on pages 1-11.  We will be sharing our stories on Leadership week.
  • Look up and write the definitions of persevere, commemorate, infinite, profound

The Living Christ: Memorize week 1 assignment. Complete one (or both) of the copy work pages.

Oceanography: We will start this in January, but if you would like to learn more and earn more Vanbucks you can research something in the oceans.  Then draw a picture or write about what you learned.  Bring it to class to share.  There are so many interesting and amazing things to learn!

History: Learn about a person of your choice and prepare a presentation about him or her. This could be a person from scriptures, Church history, world history, etc. Dress up, bring props, if you'd like; have fun sharing this person with us! If you are having a hard time coming up with an idea, ask your parents, older siblings or grandparents for ideas of their heroes from history. Ask why they admire them.