Thursday, April 16, 2020

Leadership Week 6

Leadership Week 6 

Habit 6: Synergize
Read/Study: Read The Big Bad Badgers in your 7 Habits book. We won't get to the 7th habit, Sharpen the Saw so read through that story as well, it is called Sleepy Sophie.

When you synergize you focus on what each person does well and you aren't worried about being the best at everything. Difference are a strength not a weakness! Valuing others strengths and learning from them, getting along with people who are different from you, seeking out others ideas to find the best solution -- these are all hallmarks of being a synergistic leader!

Watch this video about the country of Mauritius to see how synergy has made a huge difference for the people there: 

They have learned how to "recognize the right of everyone to be different." Do you think you do that in your home? If not, do you think you should? What might be different in your family with that approach? 

In your common place book make a list of your family members. Next to their name list their strengths. Think about how their strengths help your family to synergize. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Eureka Week 6

Eureka Week 6

1. Read this paper about Genes and Growth.

2. Do this part of our lab at home.  We will finish in class, so it's important that you get this part done.  I sent this home with you last week!

3.  Do 3-5 pages in your Math Analogies Book

4. Bring your favorite math.numbers, pattern game to play.

5.  Today is the day you can spend money at the store!