Eureka Week 1
Introduction to Cells and the Human Body
All living things are made of building blocks called cells! Watch this silly but very informative video from Bill Nye all about cells. Be prepared to share something new you learned from the video in class!
Now that you know what a cell is we can tell what is a living thing or a non-living thing by seeing if it's made of cells, right? Well, unfortunately that can be tricky since you learned that cells are usually microscopic! Instead we have to look for other features of living things like growth, respiration (breathing) and movement to decide if they are alive. Things that aren't alive can sometimes do some of the things on that list so look carefully for signs of life.
With this new knowledge fill out the Living Lab #1: Signs of Life worksheet that will be emailed to your mom and identify living and non-living items around your home.
Also don't forget to bring your Math Analogy books to class!
And hooray today you get to cash in your Vanguard bucks!